Saturday 17 August 2024

If the world is of spirit

 Many things in life which I could not explain as a young adult, seem to get explained by the world being of spirit, each one in a world of one's own kind, travelling along the world of others like when being interested in their professions, seeing the world from the poknt of view of such skills', values and ways of livkng, picture of the world with it's emphazies and wideness, travelling along the well working routes of those people, animals, ghosts or whatever. And like math is useful, kind of part of the structure of thkngs mostly only inside a certain fixed perspective with it's sizes, phenomena, their borders, qualitues, atmospheres, etc, also skill levels determining the amounts of things and only when getting fixed to those being math useful, meaningful at all, likewise one gets fixed inside some other person's or animals' views via scrutinizing kind of attention like objectkve thinking of the school kind, or the use of university type terminology etc. Otherwuse one could choose one's approach oneself. Abd like the newcomers liking some place often suöpose everything well if some thkngs well, likewise some young animal friends maybe suppose other humans si.ilar to you, and so it may happen that talkkng with an animal may lead to your human environment decide your life in the respects that animals are sensitively observing and wise, good willing too. And so often asking some basic info from a parent or close social contact, may result in your world continuing toward that unkniwn subject's specialusts' lives, instead of on your own well running personal tracks like professions and hobbies suited to you. Similarly often a terminological perspective in sight is mistaken for well running skilled objectivity guiding life well, while personal well running tracks are often mistaken as losing the person outside cultural wisdom, sensitive taking others into account and the needs of living in the society. 

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Other people with school educatiln could continue from this in most subjects wanted

 I have written almost 6 years advices in learning skills and talents etc which ought to make Christmas gnome like life possible in the mode...