Friday 16 August 2024

Well for life and wisely in the world

 In the news there was a fine picture from Mikkeli, kind of aflight when the header was that Lots of things stolen from an apartment in Mikkeli, .

If it were just some apartment, one would kind of guess why those were stolen, if the picture were from their garden in which they had been building some insight of their own of a garden hut. But the text says the picture is from the church park in Mikkeli. 

Kind of buikding on one's own trying something nice to catch the skills of building such. Since it is a practical part of life, thinking it mainly from the point of view of living one's life, in the garden and in the working place, in the wide world, for things to work out well, be entertaining, shifting to new things or new versions in a reviving refreshing way, it all being of good quality from the point of view of objective ghinking and wisdom of life, of ghe skills of the different areas of life, but not detailedly in robot like ways but instead roughly and with jyst spirit right and lots of room for future development, future good life. And so the building, it's rythms and materials, atmospheres etc compare with the neighbouring trees, the whole subject, the view of what to do, the action continuing there kn floyrishing natural, wise, ages old basic natural life's ways that are wise from the point of view of the world, ever renewing, raising the young, the nature flourishing, each one on one's own roads, yet constructively a part of the whole. And so the building etc are judt parts of the whole, are flourishing life too unimportant to be disturbed, just a point on the way, one piece of the work or of lufe with kids and it is imporrant that life as a whole would be wise, instead of according to some rules, and so the thing spreads to different directions met on the way, to a statue and a fountain, kind of lufe dazzling in visual beauty and a spectrum of different atmospheres and shades, colours, ages old phenomena of lufe, yet the impirtant continuing to some weeds, park flowers, each one one's own way, finding lufe suited to lneself, aiming at goid quality, at wisdom of life, the glory of the ages old nature, in the kitchen washing pitatoes, fetching leaf sallad from the garden in partly wet shoes, listening to a song in the radio, talking of tjibgs people have read, taking oart in lufe, sporty, agile, living the weathers, taking care of practical matters, nothibg special yet a nice choice. 

( The name Mikkeli brings to most in mind the word "kikkeli" meaning men's penis. "-ki" meaning also, saven the name of the capital from hell sin to "take all into account" i.e. objectively. That is one greatly valued thing. And weather skills and the healthy wisdom of life connected with living in the varying weathers of Finland, are another greatly valued asset, "keli" means weather to travel in. )

A video: Finlandia, The police of Oulu concratulates the 100 years old independent Finland ("koulu" = school, "joulu" = Christmas) 

Does it refer to the idea in my above text if slmeone some times years ago said that the poluce refers to the school like understabding and skills of each, that such makes police work possible, since the police are clear-hwaded in such things, lufe just finds it's ways in the society in common sense like ways when the school kind of understanding is good enough.

Video: Estonian singer Georg Ots sings the Russian song "I love life" in Finnish, 

A video of the Sovjet athlete Sergei Bubka 

My blog "Weather skills for all climates"  

My book "Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living" 

Video: an arctic fox steals a Russian man's fish 

Of how to get the whole work out all right: the basic rule is often "Live and let others live!", and school's basic picture of the world and basic skills, common sense and lots of healthy wisdom of life, giving room to individuality and freedom via wishing fairly well in the world. A short way to learn such is the Easy, quick school for animals at but it demands diligent trying and common sense, since it really is very short, maybe 15min?, so one must be interested in staying on the right tracks and learning more as time passes. Also my blog post "As if of a naturally healthy family" might be good for such, see .

Some weeks ago I was left wondering, do people/babies get their charachteristics from how much social space each of their parents had to live in when they made love and on the times around tgat. That sounds like those with wisdom of life were dumped down, and their pairs got extra rights without really having such skills and values. Following school educatiln's view of healthy kind of life with wisdom of life too might solve the problem, each one getting space to live in according to one's own qualities. But school is often too long for people to be able to follow it well as adults. So would my advices in the above chapter, with the linked texts too, be roughly enough, maybe with some added info of healthy ways of living and of civiliced values.

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Other people with school educatiln could continue from this in most subjects wanted

 I have written almost 6 years advices in learning skills and talents etc which ought to make Christmas gnome like life possible in the mode...