Saturday 17 August 2024

Other people with school educatiln could continue from this in most subjects wanted

 I have written almost 6 years advices in learning skills and talents etc which ought to make Christmas gnome like life possible in the modern world. I do not have much new to add, I myself do not come to think of anything that I coukd still add to any of these subjects. The subjects are often such that many school educated coukd answer them, for example tge libraries or media, or people you know who are interested in the same subjects. Please ask them from where to find certsin advices, for example weather skills advices, etc. I am only one exhausted individual, without understanding why I am needed in this. There are journalists and media if some subjects interest many. I do not have the skills, endurancy, likings, etc for such, but some others do have such jobs. 

Search "free blog", "discussion group",... 


My ebooks as free versions at links from , and as books and ebooks (1usd+) for sale at . 

But these are just song videos of others and links to some interesting texts of mine, so somebody else could have quoted my texts and made a blog post with songs that one likes. So interesting things found while bladdring thrpugh my texts or listening to songs in could have found new readers and listeners liking the songs, without any reason for me to be the person collecting just those songs and texts of mine. So I feel uneasy with such tasks. I have written so much of my thoughts that anything more mostly feels unnatural, kind of fully the tasks of others, so please ask for such from the library, some internet forum, some people you know and maybe journalists.

What a wonderful world

 The song of Louis Armstrong "What a wonderful world", see , is kind of rough in style, and makes me nowadays remember my childhood, especially my father who was not so much for finery, but instead preferred a kind of manly style of both maybe Sovjet academical tradition and practical life, mostly cooking our foods, kind of heavy and somewhat acid, not so tasty but seeks to be healthy, and he used to sit in a somewhat cushioned brown chair in a somewhat dim corner of the living room, with light coming from window behind him somewhat on the side, and reading there, then going out to the garden, or cooking, also liked to do things together with kids. He worked in forest research and due to his work he walked in the forests quire much compared with most, and of summer cottage lufe and weather skills he seemed to understand. 

If the world is of spirit

 Many things in life which I could not explain as a young adult, seem to get explained by the world being of spirit, each one in a world of one's own kind, travelling along the world of others like when being interested in their professions, seeing the world from the poknt of view of such skills', values and ways of livkng, picture of the world with it's emphazies and wideness, travelling along the well working routes of those people, animals, ghosts or whatever. And like math is useful, kind of part of the structure of thkngs mostly only inside a certain fixed perspective with it's sizes, phenomena, their borders, qualitues, atmospheres, etc, also skill levels determining the amounts of things and only when getting fixed to those being math useful, meaningful at all, likewise one gets fixed inside some other person's or animals' views via scrutinizing kind of attention like objectkve thinking of the school kind, or the use of university type terminology etc. Otherwuse one could choose one's approach oneself. Abd like the newcomers liking some place often suöpose everything well if some thkngs well, likewise some young animal friends maybe suppose other humans si.ilar to you, and so it may happen that talkkng with an animal may lead to your human environment decide your life in the respects that animals are sensitively observing and wise, good willing too. And so often asking some basic info from a parent or close social contact, may result in your world continuing toward that unkniwn subject's specialusts' lives, instead of on your own well running personal tracks like professions and hobbies suited to you. Similarly often a terminological perspective in sight is mistaken for well running skilled objectivity guiding life well, while personal well running tracks are often mistaken as losing the person outside cultural wisdom, sensitive taking others into account and the needs of living in the society. 

Friday 16 August 2024

Knitted or woven fabric?

 In the Finnish language there is the same word for knitting, i.e. for making woolen clothes like socks etc from thread loops on knitting sticks, or the same idea but by a knitting machine which much more common in ordinary fabrics, and for weaving i.e. making flat fabric by having a road of straight threads side by side on a large wooden frame, and (by pressing some long wooden pedals, which I guess move some comb like thing upwards, with the threads just going through or on top of it's "spikes") lifting every second one of them upward and the others maybe somewhat downwards, so that one can glide a wooden object between those two groups of threads and from inside it opens a new thread that goes so orthogonally compared to the moved threads, and then one has a comb like part which one (by tilting, so maybe it stands almost on the floor) presses the new thread next to the already woven ones, and then just changes which threads are upwards and which maybe downwards, and glides the next thread, slams it slightly in place, neatly and nicely, etc, and so one can make nice warm fabrics with nice thought of col8urs, and I guess also good oldfashioned carpets for winter and the other seasons too. (17th of August 2024   The fabric is woven when sitting on a chair, which is an unpainted (but may have a transparent sheltering layer) wooden chair with maybe some padding sheet with a handiwork oriented fabric of different colours like sewing from square pieces of fabric, and the chair may have a back with simikar fabric or no back needed.) 

So I wonder if instead of knitting one ought to buy machine-knitted socks etc. Or buy some warm fabric and sew from such. It is much nicer than knitting. And if one wants to make everything oneself, maybe weave a caroet or a table cloth. 

One could also search for "woolen blankets".

Of sewing 

Like knitting, many traditionally female jobs have gone somehow ashtray, when those have been valued because of demanding high skills like complex shapes recognition, noticing atmospheres, understanding about different ways of living, different professions as inclinatilns, their charm, skills and typical life situations or view of the world, and understanding about wisdom of life and of the value of good ways of doing, understanding how these all fit together to form the society, good for lufe, good for children and young to grow up in and choose their own areas of interest, liked skills, things done, etc, and all so building a good world to live in for all fairly, now and in the future, telling of ut via teaching, songs, homes, the daily lufe and free time, etc. And so many who are not snilled enpugh in something or do not value it, somehow end up stealing such jobs, and so they jyst get angry because they do not lije such good sides, they do not have the wisdom of lufe to carry such life happily, kkbd of solving the problems of others too. And so there is lots of agitatiln and especially the young comoete about all kinds of suppised better places, and many of the older jyst get angry because it is not a lufe of their oen liking. So even thpugh many like a luttle bit of such jobs kn life, as professions those appwar quite war like. Sl it is not good influence like hobbies are. Also social position has been told wrong: women's skills are like those of inventors or of specialists or of educators or of making things nice, while bosses just safeguard basic functilning of the working place, for example the factory's main products or all school children getting basic education like usual, so such is often the task of a stupud stuck person, maybe army like too etc, not of anyone figuring out and spreading new ideas. But inventors too have to be good inflyence for workers developing and manufacturing the products, so that might be one reason to recommend boss' work as one direction of development, one thing to learn. 

And mixed in these there are transvestites, who often mimuc women's looks, talk, etc and clsim being interested in such, even though it seems that they sre socially in a wrong place. Men often seek to smallen the drawbacks of possible wars by diligently folliwing the group's ways. While women seek to make things well for life, that is the motivation for women's charachteristics, kind of thinking I need such and there is no-one to arrange such for me, so I must care such myself. And so women often see their home like a garage: you come there to get rest, refrshment, exchange opinions, hear some wisdom, get some nice ideas of what to do, be social. That is very different from teansvestites acting or seeing lnly soldier like goals as possible chouces for themselves. And one typical women's characteristic is born from wantkng to share some of the labour with others, for example givkng their child to some others to care, so they go like I would suggest, do you agree  it would go well, nicely, everythibg ok, O can go now, without needing to come to check etc, and so women somehow need things goi g nucely, wisdom of lufe, friendly cooperation, etc. Nothing special init, but such needs taking care of many perspectives, like a skirt, not just single square chsin of yhpughts always, somewhat like a robot like some men wjo try to claim they did not choose thrmselves, and so men wear naturally troysers and a quite square style shirt. 


Like one maybe comes to think from the above pictures of a woolen blanket and of the thin more summer like cotton fabrics for women's dresses or skirts, maybe shirts, it is often nice if there are several kind of strong much liked elements in one's life, each good in their own ways, typically old well thought of types of things or objects. So one can better choose what suits oneself, like in ghe summer ordinary summer sallad plus quite ordinary foods of the other seasons like feels good and needed, makes one feel well. Likewise the work and hobbies ought to be good basic incredients of life, instead of like some theater scene all of the same shades of colours, or like when reachkng for some way of life which does not feel motivating. 

See my books at 

Such basic incredients ought each have their own time and space, like winter blankets best bought in the winter, instead of reaching for points in them without being interested in such. Only of things which one sincerely loves one learns really lot across the years or months, since only toward those areas' forefigures, virtues, skills and talents, etc one freewillingly endlessly transforms oneself without it being a burden. 

I somehow run into this video, but I do not understand how it connects here 

Well for life and wisely in the world

 In the news there was a fine picture from Mikkeli, kind of aflight when the header was that Lots of things stolen from an apartment in Mikkeli, .

If it were just some apartment, one would kind of guess why those were stolen, if the picture were from their garden in which they had been building some insight of their own of a garden hut. But the text says the picture is from the church park in Mikkeli. 

Kind of buikding on one's own trying something nice to catch the skills of building such. Since it is a practical part of life, thinking it mainly from the point of view of living one's life, in the garden and in the working place, in the wide world, for things to work out well, be entertaining, shifting to new things or new versions in a reviving refreshing way, it all being of good quality from the point of view of objective ghinking and wisdom of life, of ghe skills of the different areas of life, but not detailedly in robot like ways but instead roughly and with jyst spirit right and lots of room for future development, future good life. And so the building, it's rythms and materials, atmospheres etc compare with the neighbouring trees, the whole subject, the view of what to do, the action continuing there kn floyrishing natural, wise, ages old basic natural life's ways that are wise from the point of view of the world, ever renewing, raising the young, the nature flourishing, each one on one's own roads, yet constructively a part of the whole. And so the building etc are judt parts of the whole, are flourishing life too unimportant to be disturbed, just a point on the way, one piece of the work or of lufe with kids and it is imporrant that life as a whole would be wise, instead of according to some rules, and so the thing spreads to different directions met on the way, to a statue and a fountain, kind of lufe dazzling in visual beauty and a spectrum of different atmospheres and shades, colours, ages old phenomena of lufe, yet the impirtant continuing to some weeds, park flowers, each one one's own way, finding lufe suited to lneself, aiming at goid quality, at wisdom of life, the glory of the ages old nature, in the kitchen washing pitatoes, fetching leaf sallad from the garden in partly wet shoes, listening to a song in the radio, talking of tjibgs people have read, taking oart in lufe, sporty, agile, living the weathers, taking care of practical matters, nothibg special yet a nice choice. 

( The name Mikkeli brings to most in mind the word "kikkeli" meaning men's penis. "-ki" meaning also, saven the name of the capital from hell sin to "take all into account" i.e. objectively. That is one greatly valued thing. And weather skills and the healthy wisdom of life connected with living in the varying weathers of Finland, are another greatly valued asset, "keli" means weather to travel in. )

A video: Finlandia, The police of Oulu concratulates the 100 years old independent Finland ("koulu" = school, "joulu" = Christmas) 

Does it refer to the idea in my above text if slmeone some times years ago said that the poluce refers to the school like understabding and skills of each, that such makes police work possible, since the police are clear-hwaded in such things, lufe just finds it's ways in the society in common sense like ways when the school kind of understanding is good enough.

Video: Estonian singer Georg Ots sings the Russian song "I love life" in Finnish, 

A video of the Sovjet athlete Sergei Bubka 

My blog "Weather skills for all climates"  

My book "Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living" 

Video: an arctic fox steals a Russian man's fish 

Of how to get the whole work out all right: the basic rule is often "Live and let others live!", and school's basic picture of the world and basic skills, common sense and lots of healthy wisdom of life, giving room to individuality and freedom via wishing fairly well in the world. A short way to learn such is the Easy, quick school for animals at but it demands diligent trying and common sense, since it really is very short, maybe 15min?, so one must be interested in staying on the right tracks and learning more as time passes. Also my blog post "As if of a naturally healthy family" might be good for such, see .

Some weeks ago I was left wondering, do people/babies get their charachteristics from how much social space each of their parents had to live in when they made love and on the times around tgat. That sounds like those with wisdom of life were dumped down, and their pairs got extra rights without really having such skills and values. Following school educatiln's view of healthy kind of life with wisdom of life too might solve the problem, each one getting space to live in according to one's own qualities. But school is often too long for people to be able to follow it well as adults. So would my advices in the above chapter, with the linked texts too, be roughly enough, maybe with some added info of healthy ways of living and of civiliced values.

Luciano pavarotti : O sole mio


Was it the day before yesterday I listened to it thinking of the miracle healing white Japanese spitz dog that I had, thinking of how it seemed to heal some 200 to 1000 ill or wounded pets humans and other animals each day afternoon or evening, first one maybe 30s to 2min and then similar cases who had been watching, maybe 10s each. Kind of saying "this way, via these familiar things in life you can heal", with praying being one of the mood like actions often adviced to. And so they got healed on their own in just a few seconds. Simikarly of waking from death but that was more tough for the healer, not nice. And anyway one must avoid harmful knfluencies from such fates. 

See my blogs i.e. and in Finnish i.e. .

Thursday 15 August 2024

Arranging maybe too square feeling indoors nicely

 Opening the maybe square rooms to magnifient much more complex looks and nice to live in, see my blog/book at .

April melodies

 One can find melodies of living the April and some weather skills etc advices too for Aoril in the spring part of my book about the four seasons, see , just scroll through the late summer, autumn, winter and spring winter, until there is the header "April" and more melodies, even some picture of flowers, a poem, words of a song, etc. 

24th of December is the Christmas Eve

 Finns celebrate Christmas on 24th of December, which is the Christmas Eve. It is so because it somehow feels to have a better spirit and is more local, and it maybe has better spirit since it does not require one to wait so long. But one cannot have it any earlier, since the previous day 23rd, called the Eve of the Eve, "aatonaatto", is already a part of the Christmas time, feels Christmas like.

 - But the 22th of December is on some years the shortest day of the year, so it cannot be a part of Christmas, since in Christmas it is relieving that things are already going toward better, longer days which are so easier to bear, even though in the beginning only maybe the religious or wild birds notice such, but anyway it is somehow easier to celebrate then, and later it will be spring and then after some months summer. So the longed for celebration to help to ease the darkest times is kept when it is known for sure that soon such lightening of burdens is no longer needed, since maybe 5th of January one often notices the mornings getting somewhat lighter and then a little bit lighter etc until it is just ordinary again. 

See my book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas" .

Paradise theory, future computers, etc

 If someone searches for engineering related thing in this blog 4., there are some books, booklets and blogs of mine at links from :

My paradise theory books and the blog ,

The thinking course at i.e. at

My text about building feelings, rationality and moral for computers, is at the beginning of the blog .

There is also the text "Animals In Space", which though is not about engineering type of thinking. 

There are also the short robot stories, see .

And there is the book "Work and Feelings", and links to these all can be found from .

In the book "Christmas elf like work" there is about making technological invention. 

About changing profession to one's dream job there is largely the Christmas gnome skills series plus my later books, for example , and the Finnish book Alanvaihto haaveammattiin. The basic advice is that each one has a natural liking toward and long term endurancy in certain tasks, and that is what one's job should be like, in ways that are good for the world. 

There are also English Google translations of my Finnish blog about solving environmental questions. 


16th of August 2024 

4 engineering kinds of things, my books somehow connected with engineering but more philosophical and with wisdom of life and teaching skills and talents,

5 or 10 objective thinking, 

7 or 4 and 3 the mechanical kind of hard rationality of feelings   - Of, was this what was too difficult for my two years younger brother at school age? Thinking by yourself does not mean not learning from others, for example from other groups like teachers or girls or some other professions etc. You do not need to be the most skilled, you just need to use common sense. School and many skilled say: "Look, you can think it through this way." That is different from just memorising advices, since you have to learn what is the idea in them, what is thought of, what is practical experience, what is common sense of all, what expert knowledge or a more philosophical view of the skilled. That is different from boys following only boys' own inventions, which maybe was to problem, producing idiotism. * Similarly army skills are meant to be build on everyday life skills like sports etc, instead of being the ultimate goal of everything. Reaching for power is like reaching for self-sufficient farming as one's way of life: if you are the wisest and best kn everything in every respect, it maybe is good for you but otherwise not. Since you do not know the best way to arrange each job, do not have enough wisdom of life, good will, common sense, fairness, etc, even though may know some of such, and so things work out much better if each one leaves most of the world around undisturbed (for example the persons wishing fairly well in the world unattacked) and just cultivates things well, not attacking / otherwise dominating (often in the disguise created by lies and acting) over people with responsible fair female sounding skills, like government etc. 

3 :  If the question is, what are feelings. Feelings are often connected with doing things, is it motivated, does it make sense, does it go well, what are the goals like, are meaningful things reached, what are the arrangements like, etc. Feelings are typically observed as sensations or atmospheres, like "ouch, do I have to? Umph, I guess I need to rise from this chair and come along, since otherwise there will be trouble later on." Or "Yipee, I would take that!". So feelings have varied forms, their expressions are often complex and have many parts, and may change across time as the situation develops or changes or rythm changes or attention changes to other subjects. But the feelings classify things from a meaningful point of view of guiding life from the point of view of how the different motivating things are reached in each arrangement, each choice taken, like seen both from the point of view of one's objective picture of the world and one's personal feelings of how thibgs work out and does one's experience of lufe and one's wisdom of lufe say that things are going well. 

Songs are a natural way to communicate well working action that is somehow good enough to be a model of something, action that develops somehow in time, has some rythm, some shifting emphazis of attention on sides of life, values or dreams or I do not know what. It is typical that if you have some complex skill like a mood suiting the weathers, or like a hobby, or some dream of yours, you somehow like to reflect such to songs too, at least your social relations get so some idea of weather skills etc. Maybe the environment so gets a similar skill level but not reliably the same. 

The spring and the beginning of summer often touches feelings: to get better chances for life. Also in one's picture of the world such is important since how without a flourishing season could life continue in the long run, if food production, the raising of the young, a natural sensory environment and many foreign relations, also trade are dependent upon it. Tge people in Lappland who have only a very short summer, look somehow exhausted like people at 10 p.m. in the evening. So a summer holiday is really valuable, important to have! 

Maybe continuing from

 I have written at lenght about talents and skills for a Christmas gnome / elf like life, starting from . The third blog seemed to end this long writing task naturally to the subject of the Olavinlinna medieval castle being 550 years old next summer 2025, and the Savonlinna opera festival there celebrates that next year, and in connectiln with that were a link to these advices of mine about learning Finnish strenghts, maybe being able to create lots of small new local happenings too. 

So this maybe possible fourth blog would naturally star with a link to my book about the four seasons , and maybe also with a link to my blog about weather skills to all climates, see .

One reason for writing has maybe been the demand for healing advices from a cold climate of the four seasons, but lately that demand seems largely satisfied via my text "As if of a naturally healthy family" plus maybe my blog . Those can be both reached via my

Most of my books can be found from .

Other people with school educatiln could continue from this in most subjects wanted

 I have written almost 6 years advices in learning skills and talents etc which ought to make Christmas gnome like life possible in the mode...